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Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Abbie’s Story
“When I was 6 months old, I joined my new family. There were kids, and toys, and fun things to do! I soon learned life in my new home was not as fun as it looked, and I learned what it felt like to be afraid.
My human dad yelled at everyone in the house, even me. He called us names, and I learned it was safer to stay in my kennel than it was to play with the kids. At times, when he was hurting the kids, or my human mom, I barked at him to try to make him stop. He didn’t stop, he just hurt me, too.
He was hard to understand, because one minute he would pet me, and then without warning, he would hit or kick me. I wanted to be loved, and I kept forgiving him, but it never changed. My mom would cry and tell him to stop hurting me, but he didn’t listen. He would just laugh, and kick me harder, and then I cried, too.
He would kick and hit me to make the kids and my mom scared. They loved me, and he wanted to punish them by hurting me. I never stopped loving them, because I knew they were scared of him too.
Mom told him not to come back one day, and we started to heal. Mom met a new man, who loved me right away. He still loves me, and takes me on special rides every Sunday. He taught me that not all men are bad, and I am happy now.”
Domestic Violence affects everyone. It is common for pets to be harmed when there is domestic violence in the household. Often, the abuser will harm the pet as a way to punish their partner and/or children. My ex-husband hurt one kitten we had so badly, he broke his teeth, and left him unable to close his mouth. When this was mentioned, he would laugh and say the kitten had it coming. He did not feel remorse for the pain he caused the kitten, or anyone in the home. When domestic violence is present, no one is safe.
I am glad Abbie is loved and cherished now. I am glad she is away from her abuser.
You are a good girl, Abbie. You are strong. You are brave.